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Quadibloc 2002EA

This section deals with a modification of Quadibloc 2002E that is applicable to all variants which make use of the standard rounds. It consists of the introduction of a third form of the diffusion phase, as illustrated in the diagram below:

In the first half of the cipher for most variants, or in the first half of any symmetric group of standard rounds in the variants operating on 256-bit blocks, the modification to the cipher is that whenever a standard round using a greater diffusion phase is immediately followed by a standard round using a lesser diffusion phase, a standard round using a diffusion phase of the type illustrated above, referred to as a compound diffusion phase, is inserted. In the second half of the cipher, or in the second half of the symmetric groups of standard rounds in variants with a 256-bit block, the order of round types is reversed, and thus a standard round using a compound diffusion phase is inserted following a standard round using a lesser diffusion phase which immediately preceded a standard round using a greater diffusion phase.

In the case of 128-bit block ciphers, this insertion will increase the total number of rounds. In most cases of 256-bit block ciphers, because of their structure, the number of rounds will remain constant, and the insertion of rounds with compound diffusion phases will simply modify the sequence of round types. The exceptions to this are Quadibloc 2002EA WU and Quadibloc 2002EA WR, where in each of the four segments, the number of standard rounds and the number of core rounds shall each increase from four to six, in order to ensure that all three types of standard round shall continue to be represented.

The greater and lesser diffusion phases shall be as modified for Quadibloc 2002EM.

In the compound diffusion phase, there are three layers of operations, each involving four Feistel rounds, acting on 32-bit blocks composed of two 16-bit halves.

Between the first and second layers, and between the second and third layers, 16-bit segments are transposed to the order:

 1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6

and, in addition, in the middle of the second layer, the halves of the first two 32-bit blocks are swapped, and the order of the four 16-bit segments in the second half of the block is reversed.

This leads to the 16-bit segments of the block being transposed to the order:

 4 7 8 1 6 5 2 3

which, when expressed in terms of bytes, becomes the arrangement:

  7  8 13 14 15 16  1  2 11 12  9 10  3  4  5  6

Note that this arrangement of three layers, to maintain symmetry but deal in only 16-bit segments, has the limitation that each 32-bit subblock is connected to itself and two of the three other subblocks, rather than providing complete diffusion.

That of the lesser diffusion phase is to the order:

  6 12 14  4 15  1  7  9  8 10 16  2 13  3  5 11

and that of the greater diffusion phase is to the order:

  1 14 10  5  4 15 11  8 16  3  7 12 13  2  6  9

Thus, the net effect of three standard rounds followed by an additional bit swap phase can be determined:

Once again, in the beginning, the bytes are independent:

  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

After the first bit swap phase, they are mixed as follows:

  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8

where, under the number of each byte, is the number, in the original ordering, of the other byte with which it has swapped bits.

After a greater diffusion phase, the ordering of the bytes is changed to this:

  1 14 10  5  4 15 11  8 16  3  7 12 13  2  6  9
  9  6  2 13 12  7  3 16  8 11 15  4  5 10 14  1

Then, the second bit swap phase causes further mixing, so that the bytes now include bits from other bytes as shown here:

  1 14 10  5  4 15 11  8 16  3  7 12 13  2  6  9
  9  6  2 13 12  7  3 16  8 11 15  4  5 10 14  1
 16  3  7 12 13  2  6  9  1 14 10  5  4 15 11  8
  8 11 15  4  5 10 14  1  9  6  2 13 12  7  3 16

The compound diffusion phase then re-orders these mixed bytes so that they stand in the following order:

 11  8 13  2  6  9  1 14  7 12 16  3 10  5  4 15
  3 16  5 10 14  1  9  6 15  4  8 11  2 13 12  7
  6  9  4 15 11  8 16  3 10  5  1 14  7 12 13  2
 14  1 12  7  3 16  8 11  2 13  9  6 15  4  5 10

and the following bit swap phase mixes these bytes further so that the sources for each byte are now as given below:

 11  8 13  2  6  9  1 14  7 12 16  3 10  5  4 15
  3 16  5 10 14  1  9  6 15  4  8 11  2 13 12  7
  6  9  4 15 11  8 16  3 10  5  1 14  7 12 13  2
 14  1 12  7  3 16  8 11  2 13  9  6 15  4  5 10
  7 12 16  3 10  5  4 15 11  8 13  2  6  9  1 14
 15  4  8 11  2 13 12  7  3 16  5 10 14  1  9  6
 10  5  1 14  7 12 13  2  6  9  4 15 11  8 16  3
  2 13  9  6 15  4  5 10 14  1 12  7  3 16  8 11

Then, the rearrangement performed within the lesser diffusion phase reorders these bytes to the following sequence:

  9  3  5  2  4 11  1  7 14 12 15  8 10 13  6 16
  1 11 13 10 12  3  9 15  6  4  7 16  2  5 14  8
  8 14 12 15 13  6 16 10  3  5  2  9  7  4 11  1
 16  6  4  7  5 14  8  2 11 13 10  1 15 12  3  9
  5  2  9  3  1  7  4 11 15  8 14 12  6 16 10 13
 13 10  1 11  9 15 12  3  7 16  6  4 14  8  2  5
 12 15  8 14 16 10 13  6  2  9  3  5 11  1  7  4
  4  7 16  6  8  2  5 14 10  1 11 13  3  9 15 12

and, finally, one further bit swap now results in each byte having the sources:

  9  3  5  2  4 11  1  7 14 12 15  8 10 13  6 16
  1 11 13 10 12  3  9 15  6  4  7 16  2  5 14  8
  8 14 12 15 13  6 16 10  3  5  2  9  7  4 11  1
 16  6  4  7  5 14  8  2 11 13 10  1 15 12  3  9
  5  2  9  3  1  7  4 11 15  8 14 12  6 16 10 13
 13 10  1 11  9 15 12  3  7 16  6  4 14  8  2  5
 12 15  8 14 16 10 13  6  2  9  3  5 11  1  7  4
  4  7 16  6  8  2  5 14 10  1 11 13  3  9 15 12
 14 12 15  8 10 13  6 16  9  3  5  2  4 11  1  7
  6  4  7 16  2  5 14  8  1 11 13 10 12  3  9 15
  3  5  2  9  7  4 11  1  8 14 12 15 13  6 16 10
 11 13 10  1 15 12  3  9 16  6  4  7  5 14  8  2
 15  8 14 12  6 16 10 13  5  2  9  3  1  7  4 11
  7 16  6  4 14  8  2  5 13 10  1 11  9 15 12  3
  2  9  3  5 11  1  7  4 12 15  8 14 16 10 13  6
 10  1 11 13  3  9 15 12  4  7 16  6  8  2  5 14

from which it can be seen that the compound diffusion phase rearranges the bytes passing through it in the appropriate manner to meet the design goal of complete diffusion by means of the bit swap phases combined with the nonlinearity phases: each column contains all the numbers from 1 through 16. As should be apparent, when the table is doubled in height to reflect the two possibilities created by a bit swap phase, the potential sources added by the possibility of swapping are placed under the original sources.

Incidentally, in addition to the strength gained by using the bit swap and nonlinearity phases to provide additional diffusion, over and above the diffusion provided in the diffusion phases, since the nonlinearity phases use a fixed S-box rather than a key-dependent S-box, involving them more heavily in diffusion provides additional protection against weak keys in the cipher.

Immediately following the subkeys for the standard rounds, the 32-bit subkeys for the compound diffusion phases will be generated, and then S-boxes SR13 and SR14 will be generated. The long keys and exchange keys for the standard rounds with compound diffusion phases will be generated in the normal sequence based on the order in which rounds are performed.

For decipherment, the 32-bit keys for the compound diffusion phases must be reversed in groups of four, and the 16-bit halves of each key must be switched as well.

Example Modifications

For Quadibloc 2002EA, the first group of standard rounds is now changed to consist of the following phases:

and the group of standard rounds in the middle of the cipher is changed to have the following structure:

and there is a group of six standard rounds at the end of the cipher having the precise reverse sequence of phases as that of the six standard rounds at the beginning of the cipher.

Thus, for Quadibloc 2002EA, the sequence of rounds becomes:

Six standard rounds
Four core rounds
Five standard rounds
Four core rounds
Six standard rounds

The subkey materials used by Quadibloc 2002EA become:

and the order in which the subkey material is produced becomes:

thus, the original EK13 through EK28 of Quadibloc 2002E become renumbered to EK19 through EK34 in Quadibloc 2002EA, and the original K193 through K496 of Quadibloc 2002E become renumbered to K265 through K568 in Quadibloc 2002EA.

Quadibloc 2002EA SR would have the number of rounds in it increased from 17 to 25, with the addition of eight rounds using compound diffusion phases.

In Quadibloc 2002EA W, each stage would continue to use exactly five standard rounds on the left half of the block, but their structure would become:

thus, with the removal of one greater diffusion phase using 32 subkeys, and the addition of two compound diffusion phases using 12 subkeys each, the total number of 32-bit subkeys used by the cipher would actually decrease; removing eight of them in each of four stages would reduce their number by 32. The total amount of subkey material used, however, would still increase, as two S-boxes, each having 256 entries each 32 bits long, would be added.

Quadibloc 2002EA ES is another case the key schedule for which should be treated explicitly, as it involves a significant modification to the use of the standard rounds.

The overall structure becomes:

Six standard rounds
Eight new type rounds
Six standard rounds
Four core rounds
Five standard rounds
Four core rounds
Six standard rounds
Eight new type rounds
Six standard rounds

and the order of key generation would become:

Again, things will be simpler with the availability of a concise table in which the key schedules for all the variants, when used with Quadibloc 2002EA, are given in summary form.

Quadibloc 2002EA

           --   SR   DC    W     WS   WD     SD     U     WU    RA   RC    RR    ES    RE    RS    RO    WR

Bit Swap between 128-bit Halves of a 256-bit Block
     64-bit subkeys, the bytes of which are produced by a 4-of-8 code
                            4      4    4      4            4                                               4                     
           --   --   --  EK1  EK1    EK1  EK1      --  EK1      --   --    --    --    --    --    --  EK1
                         EK4  EK4    EK4  EK4          EK4                                             EK4

Greater Diffusion Phases within Standard Rounds
     32-bit subkeys
           192  298  192  384    384  384    384   192    256   192  192   192   320   320   320   192    256
          K1   K1   K1   K1   K1     K1   K1     K1    K1     K1    K1   K1    K1    K1    K1    K1    K1
          K192 K298 K192 K384 K384   K384 K384   K192  K256   K192  K192 K192  K320  K320  K320  K192  K256

     S-boxes with 256 8-bit entries, forming a permutation of the values 0-255
             2    2    2    2      2    2      2     2      2     2    2     2     2     2     2     2      2
          SB1  SB1  SB1  SB1  SB1    SB1  SB1    SB1   SB1    SB1   SB1  SB1   SB1   SB1   SB1   SB1   SB1
          SB2  SB2  SB2  SB2  SB2    SB2  SB2    SB2   SB2    SB2   SB2  SB2   SB2   SB2   SB2   SB2   SB2

Standard Rounds (all)
     128-bit subkeys
            34   50   34   40     40   40     40    34     48    34   34    34    58    58    58    34     48
          LK1  LK1  LK1  LK1  LK1    LK1  LK1    LK1   LK1    LK1   LK1  LK1   LK1   LK1   LK1   LK1   LK1
          LK34 LK50 LK34 LK40 LK40   LK40 LK40   LK34  LK48   LK34  LK34 LK34  LK58  LK58  LK58  LK34  LK48

Lesser Diffusion Phases within Standard Rounds
     S-boxes with 256 8-bit entries, forming a permutation of the values 0-255
             2    2    2    2      2    2      2     2      2     2    2     2     2     2     2     2      2
          SB3  SB3  SB3  SB3  SB3    SB3  SB3    SB3   SB3    SB3   SB3  SB3   SB3   SB3    SB3  SB3   SB3
          SB4  SB4  SB4  SB4  SB4    SB4  SB4    SB4   SB4    SB4   SB4  SB4   SB4   SB4    SB4  SB4   SB4

Standard Rounds (all)
     64-bit subkeys, the bytes of which are produced by a 4-of-8 code
            18   26   18   24     24   24     24    18     32    18   18    18    30    30    30    18     32
          EK1  EK1  EK1  EK5  EK5    EK5  EK5    EK1   EK5    EK1   EK1  EK1   EK1   EK1   EK1   EK1   EK5
          EK18 EK26 EK18 EK28 EK28   EK28 EK28   EK18  EK36   EK18  EK18 EK18  EK30  EK30  EK30  EK18  EK36

Compound Diffusion Phases within Standard Rounds
     32-bit subkeys
            72   96   72   96     96   96     96    72     96    72   72    72   120   120   120    72     96
          K193 K299 K193 K385 K385   K385 K385   K193  K257   K193  K193 K193  K321  K321  K321  K193  K257
          K264 K394 K264 K480 K480   K480 K480   K264  K352   K264  K264 K264  K440  K440  K440  K264  K352

     S-boxes with 256 16-bit entries
             2    2    2    2      2    2      2     2      2     2    2     2     2     2     2     2      2
          SR13 SR13 SR13 SR13 SR13   SR13 SR13   SR13  SR13   SR13  SR13 SR13  SR13  SR13  SR13  SR13  SR13
          SR14 SR14 SR14 SR14 SR14   SR14 SR14   SR14  SR14   SR14  SR14 SR14  SR14  SR14  SR14  SR14  SR14

Encipherment of the Left Half of the Block within Core Rounds 
     32-bit subkeys
            48        48   96     96   96     96    48    144    48   48    48    48    48    48          144
          K265  --  K265 K481 K481   K481 K481   K265  K353   K265  K265 K265  K441  K441  K441    --  K353
          K312      K312 K576 K576   K576 K576   K312  K496   K312  K312 K312  K488  K488  K488        K496

Left Half Encipherment: Preparing f-function Input
     S-boxes with 256 8-bit entries, forming a permutation of the values 0-255
             1         1    1      1    1      1     1      1     1    1     1     1     1     1            1
          SB5   --  SB5  SB5  SB5    SB5  SB5    SB5   SB5    SB5   SB5  SB5   SB5   SB5   SB5     --  SB5

Core Round f-function
     32-bit subkeys
           256       256  512         512          256          256  256   256   256   256   256
          K313  --  K313 K577   --   K577   --   K313    --   K313  K313 K313  K489  K489  K489    --    --
          K568      K568 K1088       K1088       K568         K568  K568 K568  K744  K744  K744

     Subkey Pools with 4 32-bit entries
                                 512         512          768                                             768
           --   --   --   --  SSP1    --  SSP1     --  SSP1     --   --    --    --    --    --    --  SSP1
                              SSP512      SSP512       SSP768                                          SSP768

     S-boxes with 256 8-bit entries, forming a permutation of the values 0-255
             6         2    6      6    2      2     6      6     6    6     6     6     6     6            6
          SB6   --  SB6  SB6  SB6    SB6  SB6    SB6   SB6    SB6   SB6  SB6   SB6   SB6   SB6     --  SB6
          SB11      SB7  SB11 SB11   SB7  SB7    SB11  SB11   SB11  SB11 SB11  SB11  SB11  SB11        SB11

Left Half Encipherment: Preparing f-function Input
     64-bit subkeys, the bytes of which are produced by a 4-of-8 code
             8         8   16     16   16     16     8     24     8          8     8     8     8           24
          EK19  --  EK19 EK29 EK29   EK29 EK29   EK19  EK37   EK19   --  EK19  EK31  EK31  EK31    --  EK37
          EK26      EK26 EK44 EK44   EK44 EK44   EK26  EK60   EK26       EK26  EK38  EK38  EK38        EK60

Core Round Combiner, Revised Versions
     128-bit subkeys
                                                                      16    16                16
           --   --   --   --    --    --    --     --    --     --  LK35 LK35    --    --  LK59    --    --
                                                                    LK50 LK50              LK74

     32-bit subkeys
                                                                             8                 8
           --   --   --   --    --    --    --     --    --     --   --  K737    --    --  K913    --    --
                                                                         K744              K920

     S-boxes with 256 16-bit entries
                                                                             2                 2
           --   --   --   --    --    --    --     --    --     --   --  SR11    --    --  SR11    --    --
                                                                         SR12              SR12

Core Round Combiner for Modifying the Right Half of the Block
     S-boxes with 256 8-bit entries, forming a permutation of the values 0-255
             4         4    4      4    4      4     4      4     4    4     4     4     4     4             4
          SB12  --  SB12 SB12 SB12   SB12 SB12   SB12  SB12   SB12  SB12 SB12  SB12  SB12  SB12    --  SB12
          SB15      SB15 SB15 SB15   SB15 SB15   SB15  SB15   SB15  SB15 SB15  SB15  SB15  SB15        SB15 

Core Round Combiner: Accepting f-function Output
     64-bit subkeys, the bytes of which are produced by a 4-of-8 code
             8         8   16     16   16     16     8     24     8    8     8     8     8     8            24
          EK27  --  EK27 EK45 EK45   EK45 EK45   EK27  EK61   EK21  EK21 EK21  EK39  EK29  EK29    --  EK61
          EK34      EK34 EK60 EK60   EK60 EK60   EK34  EK84   EK28  EK28 EK28  EK46  EK36  EK36        EK84

     S-boxes with 256 8-bit entries, forming a permutation of the values 0-255
             1         1    1      1    1      1     1      1     1    1     1     1     1     1             1
          SB16  --  SB16 SB16 SB16   SB16 SB16   SB16  SB16   SB16  SB16 SB16  SB16  SB16  SB16    --  SB16

Core Round f-function
     S-boxes with 256 16-bit entries
             2              2    2                   2      2     2    2     2     2     2     2             2
          SR1   --   --  SR1  SR1     --    --   SR1   SR1    SR1   SR1  SR1   SR1   SR1   SR1     --  SR1
          SR2            SR2  SR2                SR2   SR2    SR2   SR2  SR2   SR2   SR2   SR2         SR2

New Type Rounds: Encipherment of First Quarter
     32-bit subkeys
                                                    80     80   120        120    80   120   120   120     120
           --   --   --   --   --     --    --   K569  K497   K569   --  K569  K745  K745  K745  K265  K497
                                                 K648  K576   K688       K688  K824  K864  K864  K384  K616

     S-boxes with 256 16-bit entries
                                                     2      2     2          2     2     2     2     2       2
           --   --   --   --   --     --    --   SR3   SR3    SR3    --  SR3   SR3   SR3   SR3   SR3   SR3
                                                 SR4   SR4    SR4        SR4   SR4   SR4   SR4   SR4   SR4

New Type Rounds: Preparation of f-function Input
     S-boxes with 256 8-bit entries, forming a permutation of the values 0-255
                                                     1      1     1          1     1     1     1     1       1
           --   --   --   --   --     --    --   SB17  SB17   SB17   --  SB17  SB17  SB17  SB17  SB17  SB17

New Type Rounds: f-function
     32-bit subkeys
                                                    32     32    48         48    32    48    48    48      48
           --   --   --   --   --     --    --   K649  K577   K689   --  K689  K825  K865  K865  K385  K617
                                                 K680  K608   K736       K736  K856  K912  K912  K432  K664

     Subkey pools with 16 32-bit entries
                                                   128    256   192        192   128   192   192   192     384
           --   --   --   --   --     --    --   SP1   SP1    SP1    --  SP1   SP1   SP1   SP1   SP1   SP1
                                                 SP128 SP256  SP192      SP192 SP128 SP192 SP192 SP128 SP128

New Type Rounds: f-function and combiner
     S-boxes with 256 8-bit entries, forming a permutation of the values 0-255
                                                     5      5     5          5     5     5     5     5       5
           --   --   --   --   --     --    --   SB18  SB18   SB18   --  SB18  SB18  SB18  SB18  SB18  SB18
                                                 SB22  SB22   SB22       SB22  SB22  SB22  SB22  SB22  SB22

New Type Rounds: f-function
     S-boxes with 256 16-bit entries
                                                     4      4     4          4     4     4     4     4       4
           --   --   --   --   --     --    --   SR5   SR5    SR5    --  SR5   SR5   SR5   SR5   SR5   SR5
                                                 SR8   SR8    SR8        SR8   SR8   SR8   SR8   SR8   SR8

New Type Round Combiner: Accepting f-function output (original and second alternate)
     32-bit subkeys, the bytes of which are produced by a 4-of-8 code
                                                    16     32    16         16    16    16    16    16      32
           --   --   --   --   --     --    --   SEK1  SEK1   SEK1   --  SEK1  SEK1  SEK1  SEK1  SEK1  SEK1
                                                 SEK16 SEK32  SEK16      SEK16 SEK16 SEK16 SEK16 SEK16 SEK32

New Type Round Combiner: Accepting f-function output (original)
     S-boxes with 256 8-bit entries, forming a permutation of the values 0-255
                                                     1      1     1          1     1     1     1     1       1
           --   --   --   --   --     --    --   SB23  SB23   SB23   --  SB23  SB23  SB23  SB23  SB23  SB23

New Type Round Combiner: Accepting f-function output (first alternate)
     16-bit subkeys, the bytes of which are produced by a 4-of-8 code
                                                                  8          8           8     8     8      16
           --   --   --   --   --     --    --    --     --   TEK1   --  TEK1    --  TEK1  TEK1  TEK1  TEK1
                                                              TEK8       TEK8        TEK8  TEK8  TEK8  TEK8

     S-boxes with 256 8-bit entries, forming a permutation of the values 0-255
                                                                  3          3           3     3     3       3
           --   --   --   --   --     --    --    --     --   SB24   --  SB24    --  SB24  SB24  SB24  SB24
                                                              SB26       SB26        SB26  SB26  SB26  SB26

     S-boxes with 256 16-bit entries
                                                                  2          2           2     2     2       2
           --   --   --   --   --     --    --    --     --   SR9    --  SR9     --  SR9   SR9   SR9   SR9
                                                              SR10       SR10        SR10  SR10  SR10  SR10

New Type Round Combiner: Accepting f-function output (second alternate)
     S-boxes with 256 8-bit entries, forming a permutation of the values 0-255
                                                                  3          3           3     3     3       3
           --   --   --   --   --     --    --    --     --   SB27   --  SB27    --  SB27  SB27  SB27  SB27
                                                              SB29       SB29        SB29  SB29  SB29  SB29

Appended Key Material For Symmetric New Type Round Swap Variants
                                                    US    WUS   RAS        RRS   ESS   RES   RSS   ROS   WRS

     32-bit subkeys
                                                    32     32    48         48    32    48    48    48      48
                                                 K681  K609   K737       K737  K857  K913  K913  K433  K665
                                                 K712  K640   K784       K784  K888  K960  K960  K480  K712

     S-boxes with 256 16-bit entries
                                                     2      2     2          2     2     2     2     2       2
                                                 SR15  SR15   SR15       SR15  SR15  SR15  SR15  SR15  SR15
                                                 SR16  SR16   SR16       SR16  SR16  SR16  SR16  SR16  SR16

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